I will love Jesus and serve Him, for see How the dear Savior has watched over me. How he has guarded and guided my way! How he has kept me by night and by day. Him will I love and his will I be, All because he has first loved me, Him will I love, and His will I be, All because He loves me. I will love Jesus and learn of his will, Trusting him ever, thought good and through ill; Seeking his blessing, wheree're I may be, Knowing he cares for the sparrows and me. Him will I love and his will I be, All because he has first loved me, Him will I love, and His will I be, All because He loves me. I will love Jesus, and, sure of His love I shall be safe as the blessed above. Oh! when he calls to the glory on high How we will praise him, the angels and I! Him will I love and his will I be, All because he has first loved me, Him will I love, and His will I be, All because He loves me.