This is my commandment, That ye love one another, That ye love one another, As I have loved you. Blessed words of Jesus We have heard today Blessed words of Jesus We have heard today, Savior by thy Spirit, Help us to obey. May thy love unite us To the living vine, May our hearts enlighten'd Glow with love divine. ) chorus: This is my commandment, That ye love one another, That ye love one another As I have loved you. May we seek Thy glory Strive and envy flee, By our love to others Prove our love to Thee. Ever more as brethren In sweet union live, As we with forgiveness, May we each forgive. (chorus) Grant us thy salvation, Fill us with Thy loe, Give us each a foretaste Of the joys above. Ever meek and lowly, Ever kind and true, Ever pure and holy, Paths of peace pursue. (chorus)